Do I Take Oral Health Supplements?
Do I take oral health supplements?
Yes, many vitamins are essential for good oral health. They support the production
of saliva and help break down food and clean your mouth of bacteria cdrfarmsllc. For instance,
vitamin A is associated with a lower risk of gum disease and tooth decay. It also
helps prevent the occurrence of tooth discoloration and unpleasant breath odor. You
can find it in orange-colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, bell
peppers, fish, and egg yolks. However, the body can’t store it, so you have to get it
through your diet or a supplement.

Dietary supplements: Pros and cons to consider | Health Tips and News
Niacin is another essential vitamin that you’ll find in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts,
and legumes. Its effects on your teeth and gums are similar to those of Vitamin B2 in
that it boosts the formation of healthy cells and promotes a healthy immune system.
It also protects against xerostomia (dry mouth), gingivitis, and periodontitis.
As a general rule, it’s best to follow a healthy, balanced diet and avoid unhealthy
habits that can harm your dental health. You should also consult your dentist or
physician before beginning a new regimen. In addition, keep in mind that some
dietary supplements can interact with prescription medications.

Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making With Vitamins

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About Glen Matthews

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